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Online Tango for Seniors
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The Melody of Alzheimer's
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The documentary "Autour de Impression Tango"



The documentary


"Autour de Impression Tango"


Written by Anne BRAMARD BLAGNY

with the complicity of Graciane FINZI



 Click on the thumbnail to listen the 2 instruments version.



Click on the thumbnail to listen to the 4 instruments version 


WHY ? 


This audiovisual work is the logical progression of ABB Reportages' general project

"Music, Movement and Brain", which began 10 years ago with the production and

direction of the documentary on Étienne-Jules Marey, a French researcher and pioneer

in the study of movement, whose research focused on the gallop of horses.

At the same time, in San Francisco, similar research had been carried out by

the American photographer Eadweard Muybridge.   

Together, Marey and Muybridge had definitively changed the face of the world

in the understanding of Movement.

Today, 130 years later, the question of ABB is no longer about the gallop of the horses,

but about the power of Tango (Music and Dance) on elderly people suffering from

neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease.  

 And this question is put to the spiritual children of Marey and Muybridge, both in Dijon and in San Francisco.








The objective of ABB Reportages is to give "Impression tango", music by the French

composer Graciane Finzi, to musicians, dancers and researchers not only in Dijon,


San Francisco, but also from Milan, Buenos Aires and Athens, 


in order to find the meaning and power of this music and its relationship to  Movement. 


Is it possible to dance in San Francisco in the footsteps of Muybridge and thus help patients


suffering from neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's?


What can we discover here in France, in Dijon, in the wake of Étienne-Jules Marey?


And also in Athens, where history was written with Hellenic dance and with the work that


Étienne-Jules Marey and French composer Maurice Emmanuel developed together?


And in Milan with the studies of Danilo Spada? 


And in Buenos Aires, the city where tango was born ? and where the Dinzel system gives


many explanations?









In France, Graciane Finzi is the renowned French composer.


In San Francisco, Kathryn Roszak, following in the footsteps of her father,


the philosopher Theodore Roszak, has inscribed dance and movement in a vast project that


links the arts, the environment and human beings. 


In Milan, Danilo Spada plays the saxophone, teaches, and in particular researches


the strength of the embodiment of music.


In Buenos Aires, Eric Dinzel, tango maestro, finds his explanations in


"The History of the Dynamics of Tango", written by his father, Rodolfo Dinzel. 


Clarissa Machado is the interpreter in San Francisco and Buenos Aires.


In Buenos Aires, she dances to the music of the Morron Trio.  


Anne Bramard Blagny and Julia Blagny are a recognized duo of documentary filmmakers.  




In Dijon, face to  face :  the composer and the researchers, France Mourey et Danilo Spada 






“Impression tango” is a short piece of Tango. 


It is rhythmic, melodious, deconstructed and emotional.


This music contains all the ingredients which can give life to elderly dancers.





The documentary is filmed in  Paris, San Francisco, Buenos Aires,

perhaps Milan, Athens and Montevideo. 






made possible thanks to SACEM's 360° device   

August-September 2019   


26 August - Argentine, Ituzaingó

With the Trio Morron







  27 August- Argentina, Buenos Aires

At the Faculty of Music of  UCA in the class of  Ezequiel Pazos 





28 August - Argentina, Buenos Aires

 Studio Dinzel






29 August- Argentina, Buenos Aires

CCK with Clarissa Machado 






1st September - Uruguay, Montevido

With Anabella Consonni  





7th  September – The United States, San Francisco

at Rosener House 






Jaquette Impression Tango 

Release of  DVD to follow....  








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