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Online Tango for Seniors
The Caravan of Memory
Blow of heart
Olivier Greif
Etienne-Jules Marey
Maurice Emmanuel
Music and Brain
The Melody of Alzheimer's
Notre Histoire, a Massy
Une vie, une passion
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Nos chiffres
ABB, the documentary at heart


Anne Bramard Blagny and ABB Reportages have been building an audiovisual heritage since 1974, based on the research of  true values beyond borders, generations and any type of categorization.

After 200 documentaries, conferences and numerous articles, Anne Bramard-Blagny is still working on the following themes: the  origins, sense and the power of music.

This idea led her to interview numerous musicians, performers, composers, coming from different cultures.

Thus, the current project is a saga in which music and words are the main actors.

Olivier Greif, Maurice Emmanuel, Etienne-Jules Marey,  "The Melody of Alzheimer's" were filmed by Julia Blagny, who was  trained by EICTV (Cuba) , VARAN and INA workshops (Paris); after the documentaries "Alain Kremski" and " Marguerite Monnot".

All these movies have been unanimously recognised by the critics and selected in numerous festivals, the « Fifa de Montréal », « Arte Cinema de Naples », « ImagéSanté de Liège » and the « 11th Scientific Film Festival of Athens ». 







In 2024, ABB Reportages is teaming up with Alzheimer Hellas in Thessaloniki
to compare France and Greece, Tango and Sirtaki.
Click on the picture to find out more ... 



In the run-up to the Paris Olympic Games in 2024,

the "Tango for Seniors" initiative has evolved into a broader, more unifying project...

Click on the picture to find out more ...


 To find out about the prize list [Click here]





ABB Reportages, Les Amis du 7, the University of Burgundy and the Inserm CAPS U1093 laboratory awarded!
Click on the picture to find out more ... 
  In 2022, ABB Reportages was awarded awarded regional 1st Prize in the Crédit Coopératif Foundation
« Social and Solidarity Economy Inspiration Price 2022 » competition for its project « Tango for Seniors »!
 Click on the picture to find out more ...

In 2022, ABB Reportages was awarded the Jury's Favourite Prize
of The Regional Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté!
To find out more [Click here]







It's official!
ABB Reportages has been awarded the agreement
"Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale" (ESUS)
for 5 years!
A label that confirms our committed work, 
especially towards the elderly and a great recognition
that reinforces our willingness to continue and to do more!









Tango for Seniors






The project consists in bringing Tango (Music, Movement, Dance and Social interaction) to the elderly.

A sequence of training, workshops, research protocols and audiovisuals are used

to provide and communicate an improvement in motor and cognitive functions that Science confirms...






The 3 dimensions of Tango for Seniors
A Face-to-face workshop consists in a couple (musician and dancer) visiting the elderly
with the objective of making them sing, dance, move, smile and live.

An online workshop consists in a video that reaches the retirement home every other month, through a newsletter.

Sing, movement and dance of 25 minutes or in 5 minutes  increments,
according to what is chosen in a playlist.

To see all Online workshops [Click here]

Going even further, the Interactive Online workshop introduces a real disruption in retirement homes.
Thanks to the use and development of digital technology, it consists in a live course,
followed via a videophone platform.

This new weapon against the loneliness of seniors is their new favorite!