Because music contributes to the development of human beings, from early childhood until old age…
Because music helps seniors to overcome depression and apathy when musical activities are animated in the most appropriate way…
Because patients who suffer from cerebral degeneration (ALZHEIMER PARKINSON’S) or cognitive and severe psychological problems (dyslexia, aphasia, autism) can be helped by listening or even playing music; some of the effects of these illnesses can be reduced, or made to disappear which often helps the patient to find a harmonious relationship with the immediate environment.
It therefore seems pertinent to start from the French experiments led by the CNRS and INSERM laboratories and to follow the work of 10 European laboratories grouped in the EBRAMUS programme, in order to make a documentary about their project “Music and the Brain”.
This documentary project, based on case studies, emphasising the positive experiences, should be able available to the general public, but also for the companions and carers, to provide hope during the treatment of these illnesses which affect more and more people.
By listening to the researchers, by providing an explanation and the first solutions for those who face the disease, it will be an indispensable tool for understanding, accompanying, but also to put up a fight against the disease and to advance on the path of prevention.
MUSIC AND BRAIN Music examined by Science
Project of 2 documentaries by Anne Bramard-Blagny
- Association « Pour que l’esprit vive », Résidence d’écriture à l’abbaye de la PREE
- SACEM, aide à l’écriture
- MOVING-ANGEL GmbH (Allemagne)
- AFRICA TV (Autriche)
- CZECH TV (République Tchèque)
- TVP Kultura (Pologne)
- AFRICA TV (Autriche)