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Online Tango for Seniors
The Caravan of Memory
Blow of heart
Olivier Greif
Etienne-Jules Marey
Maurice Emmanuel
Music and Brain
The Melody of Alzheimer's
Notre Histoire, a Massy
Une vie, une passion
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Home arrow The Caravan of Memory
The Caravan of Memory


From the disease... to the Melody of Alzheimer's 


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The Caravan of Memory





The population is aging. In France, nearly 1.2 million people


suffer from neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's, that cannot be cured.




This project develops the implementation of a complementary alternative therapy


based on the power of Music and Movement.




The first results to be released were remarkable, and led to the implementation of two-parts project,


composed of training and research,developed in 15 different places in France


with the collaboration of Inserm 1093 scientists, and ABB Reportages in charge of filming.




If the conclusions are positive, this project will lead to a scientific publication that will guide us to


a change in the way we care for and look after at the elderly.





The project is composed of 4 types of actions:



-       A training in therapeutic Tango


-       Tango workshops (music and dance)


-       A research project


-       An audiovisual keeping track of the entire process










  The Caravan of Memory in the world







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