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Music and Brain
The Melody of Alzheimer's
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Home arrow Music and Brain arrow The Melody of Alzheimer's
The Melody of Alzheimer’s


« Without music, life is not worth living » summarizes Bernard Lechevalier, Inserm researcher and pioneer in France in research on the link between music and brain.

What if music could allow life to regain its worth, lost because of the disease ? What if it had the wonderful power of changing the daily life of people affected by the disease ? These are the questions asked by « The Melody of Alzheimer’s » .  


The musical and scientific documentary tell the experience that 15 people from OSE’s association have lived in a Therapeutic stay at the Abbaye de La Prée hosted by « Les petits frères des Pauvres » and « Pour que l’Esprit Vive ».


Between 2010 and 2013 , the patient’s health improved dramatically. Thanks to music and Tango, Ida, Rosette, Paule, Willy, Jean-Claude smile again and rediscover the joy of sharing.


Throughout this visionary documentary, some of the most recognized neurodegenerative diseases specialists, neurology, neuropsychology and cognitive psychology researchers and artists from several fields, opinions and discoveries explain on a scientific, medical and human side these impressive health improvements.


Both moving and invigorating, « The Melody of Alzheimer’s » make spectators think about the way our society currently cares for neurodegenerative disease’s patients.

More than a simple testimony, this musical and scientific documentary expects answers.

Julia Blagny and Anne Bramard-Blagny created this project. Music has always been an important component of their lives and documentaries


« The Melody of Alzheimer’s » has been supported by the SACEM and Inserm for the writing ; by the Sacem, La Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie (CNSA), the Inserm, les Petits Frères des Pauvres, Pour Que l’Esprit Vive, l’œuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE), Le Groupe AUDIENS, Malakoff Mederic, Le Train Expo SNCF (Alzheimer), le Conseil Général de la Nièvre, the city of Decize and Lions Club of Decize for the production ; it is a co-production from Films de l’Europe, Moving Angel, Jeunes pour le monde

This documentary will be broadcasted by Canal C2 (Strasbourg University), Canal 32 (Troyes), Télessone, ORF, Okto TV, and Radio Afrika (Austria), CeskaTelevize (Czech Republic) and TVP (Poland).


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