Tango for Seniors
The project consists in bringing Tango (Music, Movement, Dance and Social interaction) to the elderly.
A sequence of training, workshops, research protocols and audiovisuals are used
to provide and communicate an improvement in motor and cognitive functions that Science confirms...
The 3 dimensions of Tango for Seniors
A Face-to-face workshop consists in a couple (musician and dancer) visiting the elderly
with the objective of making them sing, dance, move, smile and live.
An online workshop consists in a video that reaches the retirement home every other month, through a newsletter.
Sing, movement and dance of 25 minutes or in 5 minutes increments,
according to what is chosen in a playlist.
Going even further, the Interactive Online workshop introduces a real disruption in retirement homes.
Thanks to the use and development of digital technology, it consists in a live course,
followed via a videophone platform.
This new weapon against the loneliness of seniors is their new favorite!